Pilot Holistic Review Draft Terms of Reference

- Phase 1. 编制第一稿
截止于: 2022年9月18日
- Phase 2. 公共评议开放
截止于: 2022年10月11日
- Phase 3. 终稿定稿
截止于: 2022年10月11日
- Phase 4. ALAC 表决
截止于: 2022年10月18日
- Phase 5. 提交
已提交: 2022年10月25日
提交到期: 2022年10月25日 23:59 UTC
On 30 November 2020, the ICANN Board approved recommendation 3.5 issued by the Third Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT3), directing ICANN org to initiate the first Holistic Review as a pilot, “subject to prioritization and available resources” and “pursuant to community-agreed Terms of Reference and relevant elements of the Operating Standards for Specific Reviews.” In March 2022, a Pilot Holistic Review Terms of Reference (ToR) Team, consisting of ATRT3 Shepherds, former ATRT3 members, and members of the ICANN Board, was assembled to draft the ToR with ICANN org’s facilitation. The team worked collaboratively over four months to draft a ToR that addressed the information gaps identified by参见 icann.org 中的公共评议


2022年10月26日 | Wiki workspace created |