Bylaws Amendments and Documents to Implement the NomCom2 Review

- Phase 1. Desenvolvimento da primeira versão
Encerrado em: 11 Mai 2023
- Phase 2. Aberta para comentários
Encerrado em: 19 Mai 2023
- Phase 3. Finalização da versão final
Encerrado em: 22 Mai 2023
- Phase 4. Votação do ALAC
Encerrado em: 25 Mai 2023
- Phase 5. Envio
Enviado: 26 Mai 2023
Declaração em finalização
Prazo para o envio: 26 Mai 2023 23:59 UTC
ALAC Submission: https://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/proceeding/bylaws-amendments-and-documents-to-implement-the-nomcom2-review-17-04-2023/submissions/policy-staff-in-support-of-the-at-large-community-at-large-advisory-committee-alac-26-05-2023Opens a new window Background The NomCom2 Review concluded in 2018 with the publication of the Independent Examiner’s Final ReportOpens a new window, after the related Public Comment proceedingOpens a new window. The NomComRIWG drafted a detailed implementation planOpens a new window for NomCom2 Review recommendations, which was acceptedOpens a new window by the ICANN Board in 2019. The NomComRIWG submittedOpens a new window regular implementation status reports to the ICANN Board via the Organizational Effectiveness Committee (OEC), including its final implementationVeja os comentários públicos em icann.orgOpens a new window

Declaração do ALAC