At-Large Community Policy Issues - Why End Users Should Care

- Phase 1. Élaboration de la première version préliminaire
Fini: 11 août 2016
- Phase 2. Ouvert à la consultation publique
Fini: 9 sept. 2016
- Phase 3. Finalisation de la version préliminaire finale
Fini: 10 sept. 2016
- Phase 4. Vote de l'ALAC
- Phase 5. Soumission
Envoyé: 10 sept. 2016
Soumettre une déclaration
Échéance de la soumission: 10 sept. 2016 23:59 UTC
This document aims to provide an overview of key policy issues that the At-Large Community has been working on in ICANN, focusing on why each issue is relevant or of concern to end users. This document has been approved by the ALAC.

Déclarations de l’ALAC

11 août 2016 | Wiki workspace created |
11 août 2016 | First draft posted in the wiki workspace |
12 août 2016 | Second draft posted in the wiki workspace |
24 août 2016 | Third draft posted in the wiki workspace |
30 août 2016 | Fourth draft posted in the wiki workspace |
2 sept. 2016 | Fifth draft posted in the wiki workspace |
9 sept. 2016 | Sixth draft posted in the wiki workspace |
10 sept. 2016 | Final draft posted in the wiki workspace |
10 sept. 2016 | Briefing paper delivered to Rinalia Abdul Rahim, who will share this document with the ICANN Board |