Initial Report on the Second CSC Effectiveness Review
- Phase 1. Elaboración primer borrador
Finalizó: 21 nov 2022
- Phase 2. Apertura para recepción de comentarios
Finalizó: 22 nov 2022
- Phase 3. Finalizar primer borrador
Finalizó: 23 nov 2022
- Phase 4. Votación del ALAC
Finalizó: 1 dic 2022
- Phase 5. Presentación
Presentado: 1 dic 2022
Presentación de una declaración
Plazo de presentación: 1 dic 2022 23:59 UTC
The CSC was established on 1 October 2016 as an element of the IANA Stewardship Transition process. Its main task is to monitor the performance of the IANA naming functions for the benefit of the direct customers. In accordance with Section 17 of the ICANN Bylaws and the CSC Charter, the effectiveness of the CSC is to be reviewed two years after its first meeting, and then every three years, using a method determined by the Country-Code Names Supporting organization (ccNSO) and Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO). In August 2021, the ccNSO and GNSO Councils adopted the Terms of Reference for the second CSC Effectiveness Review, using the same template as the first review and supplemented with aVer comentarios públicos en icann.org
Declaración del ALAC