ALAC Correspondence
ALAC Proposal for Subsequent Procedures Recommendation 17.2 on Applicant Support
- Phase 1. 编制第一稿
截止于: 2023年8月17日
- Phase 2. 公共评议开放
截止于: 2023年8月17日
- Phase 3. 终稿定稿
截止于: 2023年8月17日
- Phase 4. ALAC 表决
截止于: 2023年8月19日
- Phase 5. 提交
已提交: 2023年8月18日
提交到期: 2023年8月18日 23:59 UTC
SubPro Rec. 17.2 The Working Group recommends expanding the scope of financial support provided to Applicant Support Program beneficiaries beyond the application fee to also cover costs such as application writing fees and attorney fees related to the application process Where the two concerns raised were:Scope of financial support to be offered being non-exhaustive given “such as”; andFiduciary duty concerns in requiring ICANN to pay third party applicant support service providers whose work ICANN is also essentially evaluating, either directly or indirectly.参见 中的公共评议