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''Заявление ALAC

Proposal for Arabic Script Root Zone‬ Label Generation Rules (LGR)



  1. Phase 1. Разработка первого проекта
    100% complete

    Завершено: 11 окт. 2015

  2. Phase 2. Вынесение на обсуждение
    0% complete


  3. Phase 3. Завершение итогового проекта
    100% complete

    Завершено: 11 окт. 2015

  4. Phase 4. Голосование ALAC
    100% complete

    Завершено: 15 окт. 2015

  5. Phase 5. Отправка
    100% complete

    Представлено: 16 окт. 2015

Публикация заявления

Срок подачи: 16 окт. 2015 23:59 UTC

История вопроса

Purpose (Brief): The Arabic script community has formed the Task Force on Arabic Script IDNs (TF-AIDNOpens a new window), also acting as the Arabic script Generation Panel (GP), which in turn has developed a Proposal for the Arabic Script Root Zone Label Generation Rules (ProposalOpens a new window [XML, 29 KB] and Proposal DocumentationOpens a new window [PDF, 2.35 MB]). As per the LGR ProcedureOpens a new window [PDF, 772 KB], this proposal is being posted for public comments to allow those who have not participated in the Arabic script GP to make their views known to the Generation Panel so it can finalize the proposal for integration into the Label Generation Rules for the Root Zone. Current Status: Currently there are multiple script communities which are actively workingСм. общественное обсуждение на сайте icann.orgOpens a new window

Заявление ALAC




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