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At-Large News

  1. Read the latest report here >>
  2. Download the ICANN71 Policy Outcomes Report here:
  3. Learn more about the decisions and outcomes of the #ICANN69 Virtual Annual General Meeting in the ICANN69 Policy Outcomes Report, available here >> #ICANN
  4. See ALAC/At-Large ICANN69 Talking Points here.
  5. The Pre-ICANN68 Policy Report is now available! Click here to access the report >>
  6. Read the ALAC Advice to the ICANN Board on DNS Abuse, submitted on 24 December 2019, here.
  7. See ratified statement with cover letter here:
  8. On 16 May, the ALAC passed the consensus call to endorse the following three candidates for the Second Registration Directory Services (RDS) Review Team: Dmitry Belyavsky (Russia, EU), Alan Greenberg (Canada, NA), and Carlton Samuels (Jamaica, LAC). The ALAC received six applications requesting endorsement. The
    Topic(s): Reviews/Improvements, WHOISOrganization(s): ALAC
  9. Em 16 de maio, o ALAC aprovou o apoio consensual aos seguintes três candidatos para a segunda equipe de revisão do Serviço de Diretório de Registros (RDS): Dmitry Belyavsky (Rússia, UE), Alan Greenberg (Canadá, NA), e Carlton Samuels (Jamaica, LAC). O ALAC recebeu seis candidaturas com solicitação de apoio. O
    Topic(s): Reviews/Improvements, WHOISOrganization(s): ALAC
  10. وفي 16 مايو، أصدرت اللجنة الاستشارية العامة لعموم المستخدمين ALAC طلبا بإجماع الآراء للمصادقة على المرشحين الثلاثة التاليين لفريق المراجعة الثاني لخدمات دليل التسجيل (RDS): ديمتري بيليافسكي (روسيا، الاتحاد الأوروبي)، ألان غرينبرغ (كندا، أمريكا الشمالية)، كارلتون صامويلز (جامايكا، أمريكا اللاتينية والكاريبي). تلقت
    Topic(s): Reviews/Improvements, WHOISOrganization(s): ALAC
  11. 16 мая ALAC достиг консенсуса относительно поддержки следующих трех кандидатов в члены Второй группы по анализу служб каталогов регистрационных данных (RDS): Дмитрий Белявский (Россия, Европейский Союз), Алан Гринберг (Alan Greenberg, Канада, Северная Америка) и Карлтон Сэмюэлс (Carlton Samuels, Ямайка, Латинская
    Topic(s): Reviews/Improvements, WHOISOrganization(s): ALAC