Proposed ICANN Bylaws Amendments—GNSO Policy & Implementation Recommendations

- Phase 1. Élaboration de la première version préliminaire
Fini: 15 sept. 2015
- Phase 2. Ouvert à la consultation publique
Fini: 16 sept. 2015
- Phase 3. Finalisation de la version préliminaire finale
Fini: 16 sept. 2015
- Phase 4. Vote de l'ALAC
Fini: 18 sept. 2015
- Phase 5. Soumission
Envoyé: 16 sept. 2015
Soumettre une déclaration
Échéance de la soumission: 16 sept. 2015 23:59 UTC
Purpose: Per its resolution of 28 July 2015 (see https://www.icann.org/resources/board-material/resolutions-2015-07-28-en#1.c), the ICANN Board has directed that proposed changes to the ICANN Bylaws be posted for public comment prior to ICANN Board consideration. Current Status: During its meeting on 24 June 2015, the GNSO Council unanimously adopted the recommendations of the GNSO Policy & Implementation Working Group (see: http://gnso.icann.org/en/drafts/policy-implementation-recommendations-01jun15-en.pdf), which was tasked to address a number of questions as they relate to GNSO policy and implementation. Among others, these recommendations include three proposed new GNSO processes, two of which—theVoir les commentaires publics à icann.org

Déclarations de l’ALAC

31 juil. 2015 | Wiki workspace created |
15 sept. 2015 | First draft posted in the wiki workspace |
15 sept. 2015 | Community started commenting on the first draft |
16 sept. 2015 | Final draft posted in the wiki workspace |
16 sept. 2015 | Statement submitted to Public Comment |
18 sept. 2015 | ALAC ratified the Statement |