Proposed ICANN Bylaws Amendments—GNSO Policy & Implementation Recommendations

- Phase 1. وضع مسودة أولى
انتهى: 15 سبت 2015
- Phase 2. مفتوح للتعليق
انتهى: 16 سبت 2015
- Phase 3. اختتام مسودة نهائية
انتهى: 16 سبت 2015
- Phase 4. تصويت ALAC
انتهى: 18 سبت 2015
- Phase 5. التقديم
مقدم: 16 سبت 2015
تم تقديم بيان
الموعد النهائي للتقديم: 16 سبت 2015 23:59 UTC
Purpose: Per its resolution of 28 July 2015 (see https://www.icann.org/resources/board-material/resolutions-2015-07-28-en#1.c), the ICANN Board has directed that proposed changes to the ICANN Bylaws be posted for public comment prior to ICANN Board consideration. Current Status: During its meeting on 24 June 2015, the GNSO Council unanimously adopted the recommendations of the GNSO Policy & Implementation Working Group (see: http://gnso.icann.org/en/drafts/policy-implementation-recommendations-01jun15-en.pdf), which was tasked to address a number of questions as they relate to GNSO policy and implementation. Among others, these recommendations include three proposed new GNSO processes, two of which—theانظر التعليقات العامة على icann.org

بيان ALAC

31 يول 2015 | Wiki workspace created |
15 سبت 2015 | First draft posted in the wiki workspace |
15 سبت 2015 | Community started commenting on the first draft |
16 سبت 2015 | Final draft posted in the wiki workspace |
16 سبت 2015 | Statement submitted to Public Comment |
18 سبت 2015 | ALAC ratified the Statement |