FY14 Draft Operating Plan and Budget

- Phase 1. Elaboración primer borrador
Finalizó: 28 may 2013
- Phase 2. Apertura para recepción de comentarios
Finalizó: 29 may 2013
- Phase 3. Finalizar primer borrador
Finalizó: 11 jun 2013
- Phase 4. Votación del ALAC
Finalizó: 21 jun 2013
- Phase 5. Presentación
Presentado: 21 jun 2013
Presentación de una declaración
Plazo de presentación: 21 jun 2013 23:59 UTC
ICANN is now opening a public comment forum for the FY14 Draft Operating Plan and Budget. Community members are kindly asked to provide feedback on the various aspects of the proposed budget and implementation of ICANN resources for the coming fiscal year, including operational growth tied to carry-over and new projects and the core functions of ICANN.Ver comentarios públicos en icann.org

Declaración del ALAC

10 may 2013 | Wiki workspace created |
28 may 2013 | First draft posted in the wiki workspace |
28 may 2013 | Community started commenting on the first draft |
11 jun 2013 | Final draft posted in the wiki workspace |
21 jun 2013 | ALAC ratified the Statement |
21 jun 2013 | Statement submitted to Public Comment |