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Action Items: ALAC and Regional Leadership Working Session 1

25 October 2009

Action Items

The ALAC vote on the IIC is to be halted. Once the revised document is received, a new vote may be started.

All the points raised by A. Peake on the IIC document will be incorporated. S. Bachollet to send revised document by tomorrow.

P. Vande Walle and other volunteers to prepare a draft text on the issue of education for TLD managers. Text to be reviewed at the ALAC and Regional Leaders Wrap Meeting on Thursday, 29 October.

C. Langdon-Orr to speak with Nick Thorpe, Bill Graham, Chris Disspain to float ideas on holding regional meetings to train TLD managers.

Regional Secretariats Meeting on Wednesday, 28 October to discuss the At-Large Review Implementation issue of educating and engaging the ALSes. They are to report back to the ALAC and Regional Leaders Wrap Meeting on Thursday, 29 October. The first progress report is to be presented at the ICANN meeting in Nairobi. (See: At-Large Review Implementation item 4.1).

Regional Secretariats Meeting on Wednesday, 28 October to discuss the issue of At-Large travel support and facilitating RALO General Assemblies and ICANN Meeting attendance. They are to report back to the ALAC and Regional Leaders Wrap Meeting on Thursday, 29 October.

The 4 RALOs (AFRALO, APRALO, EURALO and LACRALO) that do not currently allow for individual membership in their RALO should explore whether additional measures need to be taken to involve individual Internet users in the work of At-Large, including their organizing documents. The four RALOs are to report back on this issue in Nairobi. (See: At-Large Review Implementation item 4.4)

The allocation of the new ALAC members to ALAC committees is to be added to the agenda of the ALAC and Regional Leaders Wrap Meeting on Thursday, 29 October.

The issue of ICANN's development of a mechanism for allowing the voice of those recognized bodies who represent consumer interests to be heard at critical points in key decisions and to provide input into policy processes to be added as an agenda item to the ALAC and Regional Leaders Working Session 1 at the ICANN meeting in Nairobi. This issue should be allocated 90 minutes.