ccNSO FoI WG's Interim Report on "Revocation"

- Phase 1. وضع مسودة أولى
انتهى: 8 نوف 2013
- Phase 2. مفتوح للتعليق
انتهى: 8 نوف 2013
- Phase 3. اختتام مسودة نهائية
انتهى: 12 ديس 2013
- Phase 4. تصويت ALAC
انتهى: 20 ديس 2013
- Phase 5. التقديم
مقدم: 20 ديس 2013
تم تقديم بيان
الموعد النهائي للتقديم: 20 ديس 2013 23:59 UTC
The ccNSO Framework of Interpretation Working Group (FoI WG) seeks public comment on its initial interpretations of current policy and guidelines related to "Revocation", which is defined as redelgations undertaken without the consent of the ccTLD manager. "Revocation" refers to the process by which the IANA Operator rescinds responsibility for management of a ccTLD from a manager.انظر التعليقات العامة على icann.org

بيان ALAC

28 أكت 2013 | Wiki workspace created |
8 نوف 2013 | First draft posted in the wiki workspace |
8 نوف 2013 | Community started commenting on the first draft |
12 ديس 2013 | Final draft posted in the wiki workspace |
20 ديس 2013 | ALAC ratified the Statement |
20 ديس 2013 | Statement submitted to Public Comment |