ICANN's Draft Vision, Mission & Focus Areas for a Five-Year Strategic Plan

- Phase 1. وضع مسودة أولى
انتهى: 20 ينا 2014
- Phase 2. مفتوح للتعليق
انتهى: 20 ينا 2014
- Phase 3. اختتام مسودة نهائية
انتهى: 25 ينا 2014
- Phase 4. تصويت ALAC
انتهى: 31 ينا 2014
- Phase 5. التقديم
مقدم: 31 ينا 2014
تم تقديم بيان
الموعد النهائي للتقديم: 31 ينا 2014 23:59 UTC
In line with ICANN's commitment to the multi-stakeholder model, a working draft - ICANN's Draft Vision, Mission & Focus Areas for a Five-Year Strategic Plan - is provided for community discussion and public comment. It proposes a new Vision, reiterates ICANN's existing Mission, and describes five proposed Focus Areas with goals. At this stage of development, ICANN is seeking general feedback, as well as input on measurable outcomes for Focus Area Goals. Your responses will help inform additional aspects that are not yet included, but will be elements of ICANN's final strategic and/or operating plans and budget.انظر التعليقات العامة على icann.org

بيان ALAC

29 أكت 2013 | Wiki workspace created |
20 ينا 2014 | First draft posted in the wiki workspace |
20 ينا 2014 | Community started commenting on the first draft |
25 ينا 2014 | Final draft posted in the wiki workspace |
31 ينا 2014 | ALAC ratified the Statement |
31 ينا 2014 | Statement submitted to Public Comment |