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''ALAC 声明

Proposed Bylaws Amendments Changing Term Ending Dates for Supporting Organization and At-Large Selected Board Members



  1. Phase 1. 编制第一稿
    0% complete


  2. Phase 2. 公共评议开放
    0% complete


  3. Phase 3. 终稿定稿
    0% complete


  4. Phase 4. ALAC 表决
    0% complete


  5. Phase 5. 提交
    100% complete

    已提交: 2010年12月8日


提交到期: 2010年12月8日 23:59 UTC


The Board Review Working Group (BRWG), in its final report [PDF, 116 KB], recommended that the current timing of appointments to the Board be altered so that all incoming Board members are sat at an ICANN Public Meeting. Currently, only Board members appointed by the Nominating Committee are seated at a Public Meeting. The BRWG recommendation would facilitate the seating of Board members selected by the ICANN Supporting Organizations and the At-Large Community occur at a mid-year Public Meeting (Meeting) to facilitate Board member transition. Presently, these Board seats transition in between public meetings; the BRWG recommendation will allow for a more orderly, face-to-face transition.参见 中的公共评议




