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''ALAC 声明

Study on Whois Privacy & Proxy Service Abuse



  1. Phase 1. 编制第一稿
    100% complete

    截止于: 2013年9月27日

  2. Phase 2. 公共评议开放
    100% complete

    截止于: 2013年9月30日

  3. Phase 3. 终稿定稿
    100% complete

    截止于: 2013年10月14日

  4. Phase 4. ALAC 表决
    100% complete

    截止于: 2013年10月22日

  5. Phase 5. 提交
    100% complete

    已提交: 2013年10月22日


提交到期: 2013年10月22日 23:59 UTC


This study, conducted by the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) in the United Kingdom, analyzes gTLD domain names to measure whether the percentage of privacy/proxy use among domains engaged in illegal or harmful Internet activities is significantly greater than among domain names used for lawful Internet activities. Furthermore, this study compares these privacy/proxy percentages to other methods used to obscure identity – notably, Whois phone numbers that are invalid. These findings will help the community understand the role that privacy and proxy service abuse plays in obscuring the identities of parties engaged in illegal or harmful activities, including phishing, cybersquatting, hosting child abuse参见 中的公共评议




