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''ALAC 声明

Initial Report on the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Policy Development Process (Overarching Issues & Work Tracks 1-4)



  1. Phase 1. 编制第一稿
    100% complete

    截止于: 2018年8月27日

  2. Phase 2. 公共评议开放
    100% complete

    截止于: 2018年8月30日

  3. Phase 3. 终稿定稿
    100% complete

    截止于: 2018年9月26日

  4. Phase 4. ALAC 表决
    100% complete

    截止于: 2018年10月2日

  5. Phase 5. 提交
    100% complete

    已提交: 2018年10月3日


提交到期: 2018年10月3日 23:59 UTC


Purpose: This public comment proceeding seeks to obtain input on the Initial Report of the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Policy Development Process Working Group, which is chartered to evaluate what changes or additions need to be made to existing new gTLD policy recommendations. The document includes materials from the full Working Group and four sub-teams within the Working Group, Work Tracks 1-4. Work Track 5, focused on Geographic Names and the Top-Level, will produce a separate Initial Report. Current Status: This Initial Report is being posted for public comment as supported by the GNSO Operating Procedures. Next Steps: Following review of public comments received, the Working Group will integrate参见 中的公共评议




