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''ALAC 声明

CCWG-Accountability WS2 Final Report



  1. Phase 1. 编制第一稿
    100% complete

    截止于: 2018年5月6日

  2. Phase 2. 公共评议开放
    100% complete

    截止于: 2018年5月10日

  3. Phase 3. 终稿定稿
    100% complete

    截止于: 2018年5月11日

  4. Phase 4. ALAC 表决
    100% complete

    截止于: 2018年5月15日

  5. Phase 5. 提交
    100% complete

    已提交: 2018年5月11日


提交到期: 2018年5月11日 23:59 UTC


Purpose: This Public Comment seeks community input on whether there are any inconsistencies1 between the various sets of recommendations within the Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability's (CCWG-Accountability) final report from its Work Stream 2 (WS2). The CCWG-Accountability WS2 final report is a compilation of eight reports generated through individual sub-groups of the CCWG-Accountability, each of which has already been the subject of public comment. These eight reports are on the topics identified at Section 27.1. of the ICANN Bylaws2, which defined WS2. Current Status: At its 9 March 2018 face-to-face meetingOpens a new window at ICANN61 in San Juan, Puerto Rico, the参见 中的公共评议




