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''ALAC 声明

Draft Project Plan for the Proposed Name Collision Analysis Project (NCAP)



  1. Phase 1. 编制第一稿
    100% complete

    截止于: 2018年4月11日

  2. Phase 2. 公共评议开放
    100% complete

    截止于: 2018年4月13日

  3. Phase 3. 终稿定稿
    100% complete

    截止于: 2018年4月18日

  4. Phase 4. ALAC 表决
    100% complete

    截止于: 2018年4月22日

  5. Phase 5. 提交
    100% complete

    已提交: 2018年4月18日


提交到期: 2018年4月18日 23:59 UTC


Purpose: To seek community input in building a project plan for the Name Collision Analysis Project (NCAP). Current Status: In January 2018, the SSAC Name Collision Analysis Project (NCAP) Work Party was formed and since then has been meeting weekly to discuss and prepare the project plan for submission to the Board. Next Steps: The NCAP Work Party plans to present the draft project plan at ICANN 61 to facilitate community discussion and gather input. Upon completion of the public comment period, the NCAP Work Party will finalize the project plan and submit it to the full SSAC to obtain consensus, and subsequently, submit a consensus plan to the ICANN Board.参见 中的公共评议




