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''Заявление ALAC

Draft PTI FY18 Operating Plan and Budget



  1. Phase 1. Разработка первого проекта
    100% complete

    Завершено: 2 дек. 2016

  2. Phase 2. Вынесение на обсуждение
    100% complete

    Завершено: 9 дек. 2016

  3. Phase 3. Завершение итогового проекта
    100% complete

    Завершено: 10 дек. 2016

  4. Phase 4. Голосование ALAC
    100% complete

    Завершено: 20 дек. 2016

  5. Phase 5. Отправка
    100% complete

    Представлено: 14 дек. 2016

Публикация заявления

Срок подачи: 14 дек. 2016 23:59 UTC

История вопроса

Purpose: This is a draft of Public Technical Identifiers’ (PTI's) FY18 Operating Plan and Budget for community discussion and public comment. This is the draft Operating Plan and Budget for PTI’s first complete fiscal year of operations. PTI was incorporated in August 2016, the second month of ICANN’s FY17 budget. Current Status: This draft Plan has been prepared and published for public review and comment. Next Steps: Questions seeking clarification of any details in the Draft PTI FY18 Operating Plan and Budget should be submitted to controller@icann.orgOpens a new windowOpens a new window by 4 November 2016. Responses will be provided by 18 November 2016, three weeks before this public comment period ends. Following theСм. общественное обсуждение на сайте icann.orgOpens a new window

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