CCWG-Accountability - Draft Proposal on Work Stream 1 Recommendations

- Phase 1. Разработка первого проекта
Завершено: 14 дек. 2015
- Phase 2. Вынесение на обсуждение
Завершено: 21 дек. 2015
- Phase 3. Завершение итогового проекта
Завершено: 21 дек. 2015
- Phase 4. Голосование ALAC
Завершено: 22 дек. 2015
- Phase 5. Отправка
Представлено: 21 дек. 2015
Публикация заявления
Срок подачи: 21 дек. 2015 23:59 UTC
История вопроса
Purpose: The CCWG-Accountability requests community feedback on its Draft Proposal of proposed enhancements to ICANN's accountability framework that have been identified as essential to happen or be committed to before the IANA Stewardship Transition takes place. The six Chartering Organizations for the CCWG-Accountability are asked to indicate their support for the recommendations in this proposal. At the same time, public participants not involved with a Chartering Organization are invited to comment on the proposal. The CCWG-Accountability will attempt to reconcile reactions from Chartering Organizations and public comment prior to submission to the ICANN Board of Directors (currently anticipated forСм. общественное обсуждение на сайте icann.org

Заявление ALAC

9 дек. 2015 | Wiki workspace created |
14 дек. 2015 | First draft posted in the wiki workspace |
14 дек. 2015 | Community started commenting on the first draft |
21 дек. 2015 | Statement submitted to Public Comment with ratification pending |
22 дек. 2015 | ALAC ratified the Statement |