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''Declaração do ALAC

Draft Report: Review of the Generic Names Supporting Organization



  1. Phase 1. Desenvolvimento da primeira versão
    100% complete

    Encerrado em: 15 Jul 2015

  2. Phase 2. Aberta para comentários
    100% complete

    Encerrado em: 26 Jul 2015

  3. Phase 3. Finalização da versão final
    100% complete

    Encerrado em: 1 Ago 2015

  4. Phase 4. Votação do ALAC
    100% complete

    Encerrado em: 9 Ago 2015

  5. Phase 5. Envio
    100% complete

    Enviado: 10 Ago 2015

Declaração em finalização

Prazo para o envio: 10 Ago 2015 23:59 UTC


The purpose of this Public Comment posting is to request community feedback on the Draft Report issued by Westlake Governance Limited (Westlake) on the Review of Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO). As the Independent Examiner, Westlake has drafted their report after conducting extensive work, including but not limited to online surveys (178 responses), 40 one-on-one interviews (considerably more than originally anticipated in the scope of work), review and analysis of documents and direct observations of GNSO proceedings at three ICANN meetings. In addition, Westlake has been engaged in consultations with representatives from the GNSO and other community members. Westlake will issue their FinalVeja os comentários públicos em icann.orgOpens a new window

Declaração do ALAC




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