Stability, Security, and Resilience of the DNS Review Team (SSR-Team)

- Phase 1. Desenvolvimento da primeira versão
Encerrado em: 29 Mar 2011
- Phase 2. Aberta para comentários
Encerrado em: 4 Abr 2011
- Phase 3. Finalização da versão final
Encerrado em: 8 Abr 2011
- Phase 4. Votação do ALAC
Encerrado em: 15 Abr 2011
- Phase 5. Envio
Enviado: 8 Abr 2011
Declaração em finalização
Prazo para o envio: 8 Abr 2011 23:59 UTC
The Security, Stability and Resiliency of the DNS (SSR RT) commenced its activities in October 2010 and held its first face-to-face meeting and interaction with the community session in Cartagena last December. In Colombia, the SSR RT drafted and issued Terms of Reference, which will guide the AoC mandated Team throughout its exercise: https://community.icann.org/display/ssrreview/Terms+of+Reference. In anticipation of the ICANN Silicon Valley Meeting, the Security, Stability & Resiliency of the DNS Review Team now wishes to solicit input from the community on a a set of issues [PDF, 16 KB]. This public comment box shall remain open for 45 days consistent with ICANN practices and will close on 6 AprilVeja os comentários públicos em icann.org

Declaração do ALAC

21 Fev 2011 | Wiki workspace created |
29 Mar 2011 | First draft posted in the wiki workspace |
29 Mar 2011 | Community started commenting on the first draft |
8 Abr 2011 | Final draft posted in the wiki workspace |
15 Abr 2011 | ALAC ratified the Statement |
8 Abr 2011 | Statement submitted to Public Comment |