Updated Operating Standards for Specific Reviews

- Phase 1. Desenvolvimento da primeira versão
Encerrado em: 23 Dez 2018
- Phase 2. Aberta para comentários
Encerrado em: 15 Fev 2019
- Phase 3. Finalização da versão final
Encerrado em: 18 Fev 2019
- Phase 4. Votação do ALAC
Encerrado em: 20 Fev 2019
- Phase 5. Envio
Enviado: 20 Fev 2019
Declaração em finalização
Prazo para o envio: 20 Fev 2019 23:59 UTC
Purpose: This public comment proceeding seeks to solicit input on the updated Draft Operating Standards for Specific ReviewsOpens a new window (Operating Standards). The Operating Standards aim to ensure that ICANN's Specific Reviews are conducted in a transparent, consistent, efficient, and predictable manner, while supporting the community's work to derive the expected benefit and value from review processes.Areas of guidance in the Operating Standards, as mandated by the ICANN Bylaws, include review team selection process, conflict of interest practices, confidential disclosure to review teams, review team decision-making practices, and guidelines on how review teams are to work with and considerVeja os comentários públicos em icann.org

Declaração do ALAC

18 Dez 2018 | Wiki workspace created |
23 Dez 2018 | First draft posted in the wiki workspace |
10 Fev 2019 | Community started commenting on the first draft |
18 Fev 2019 | Final draft posted in the wiki workspace |
20 Fev 2019 | ALAC ratified the Statement |
20 Fev 2019 | Statement submitted to Public Comment |