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ALAC Statement on Stakeholder Group Openness

This statement was originally drafted by A Greenberg and submitted to the ALAC on its public working list on 10th September 2008. The statement was then discussed and without objection A Greenberg moved for a vote on 13th September 2008. S Bachollet seconded the motion.

The vote opened on 17th September 2008 and closed on 24th September 2008.

The motion was carried by 9-0-0. The results of the vote may be viewed online at

ALAC Statement on Stakeholder Group Openness

"The ALAC notes with pleasure that at its meeting of August 28, 2008, the Board clarified and reaffirmed the requirement that Constituencies within the restructured GNSO meet and continue to meet principles of representativeness, openness, transparency and fairness.

Given that within the restructured GNSO, a principal entity will be the Stakeholders Group, and that it is at this level that Council seats will be allocated amongst its Constituencies, it is critical that the mechanism for such allocation be completely transparent.

Accordingly, the ALAC recommends that when the Bylaws are amended to include references to Stakeholder Groups, that they too are obliged to adhere to similar principles of representativeness, openness, transparency and fairness."