New gTLDs Applicant Guidebook v2 and Related Materials

- Phase 1. Élaboration de la première version préliminaire
Fini: 24 mar. 2009
- Phase 2. Ouvert à la consultation publique
Fini: 11 avr. 2009
- Phase 3. Finalisation de la version préliminaire finale
Fini: 14 avr. 2009
- Phase 4. Vote de l'ALAC
Fini: 19 avr. 2009
- Phase 5. Soumission
Envoyé: 19 avr. 2009
Soumettre une déclaration
Échéance de la soumission: 19 avr. 2009 23:59 UTC
The Draft Applicant Guidebook, V2 is now available for review and comment at http:/www.icann.org/en/topics/new-gtlds/comments-2-en.htm. A red-lined and annotated version of the document is also available to better understand the changes that were made in progressing from Draft Applicant Guidebook, V1 to V2. A series of Explanatory Memoranda accompany the Draft Applicant Guidebook, V2, to supplement understanding of the implementation work for new gTLDs. The Draft Applicant Guidebook, V2, and accompanying papers, will be made available in Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, and Spanish in the near future. All materials are in draft form for public comment and review. Your comments will help with theVoir les commentaires publics à icann.org

Déclarations de l’ALAC

18 fév. 2009 | Wiki workspace created |
24 mar. 2009 | First draft posted in the wiki workspace |
24 mar. 2009 | Community started commenting on the first draft |
14 avr. 2009 | Final draft posted in the wiki workspace |
19 avr. 2009 | Statement submitted to Public Comment |