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''Déclarations de l’ALAC

Draft ICANN Africa Strategic Plan 2016-2020 Version 3.0



  1. Phase 1. Élaboration de la première version préliminaire
    100% complete

    Fini: 5 août 2018

  2. Phase 2. Ouvert à la consultation publique
    100% complete

    Fini: 12 août 2018

  3. Phase 3. Finalisation de la version préliminaire finale
    100% complete

    Fini: 15 août 2018

  4. Phase 4. Vote de l'ALAC
    100% complete

    Fini: 22 août 2018

  5. Phase 5. Soumission
    100% complete

    Envoyé: 10 sept. 2018

Soumettre une déclaration

Échéance de la soumission: 10 sept. 2018 23:59 UTC


Purpose: On July 2, 2018; the Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) Africa team convened a select committee of Supporting Organization (SO) / Advisory Committee (AC) representatives from Africa to review the current Africa strategy. They came up with a draft reviewed document ICANN Africa Strategy Ver 3.0 2016 – 2020. This public comment proceeding is seeking further input from the community on the draft document in line with our commitment to inclusive bottom-up and multistakeholder approach. Current Status: The Africa strategy was one of the first ever regional plans approved by ICANN org. The strategy document itself is a living document and should be flexible enough to respond to the changing needs andVoir les commentaires publics à icann.orgOpens a new window

Déclarations de l’ALAC




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