Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy Part B WG Proposed Final Report

- Phase 1. Elaboración primer borrador
Finalizó: 28 mar 2011
- Phase 2. Apertura para recepción de comentarios
Finalizó: 28 mar 2011
- Phase 3. Finalizar primer borrador
Finalizó: 31 mar 2011
- Phase 4. Votación del ALAC
Finalizó: 7 abr 2011
- Phase 5. Presentación
Presentado: 31 mar 2011
Presentación de una declaración
Plazo de presentación: 31 mar 2011 23:59 UTC
The GNSO Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy (IRTP) Part B Policy Development Process Working Group was tasked to address five issues focusing on issues related to domain hijacking, the urgent return of an inappropriately transferred name and "lock status". Following review of the public comments received on the Initial Report and further deliberations, the Working Group now presents its proposed Final Report which contains nine (9) recommendations to address the five charter questions it was tasked with. Before finalizing its report and submitting it to the GNSO Council for its consideration, the Working Group is asking for your input on the proposed Final Report, especially the proposed recommendations.Ver comentarios públicos en icann.org

Declaración del ALAC

21 feb 2011 | Wiki workspace created |
28 mar 2011 | First draft posted in the wiki workspace |
28 mar 2011 | Community started commenting on the first draft |
31 mar 2011 | Final draft posted in the wiki workspace |
7 abr 2011 | ALAC ratified the Statement |
31 mar 2011 | Statement submitted to Public Comment |