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''Declaración del ALAC

GNSO Guidance Process Applicant Support Guidance Recommendation Initial Report



  1. Phase 1. Elaboración primer borrador
    100% complete

    Finalizó: 20 ago 2023

  2. Phase 2. Apertura para recepción de comentarios
    100% complete

    Finalizó: 25 ago 2023

  3. Phase 3. Finalizar primer borrador
    100% complete

    Finalizó: 8 sep 2023

  4. Phase 4. Votación del ALAC
    100% complete

    Finalizó: 26 sep 2023

  5. Phase 5. Presentación
    100% complete

    Presentado: 11 sep 2023

Presentación de una declaración

Plazo de presentación: 11 sep 2023 23:59 UTC


The New gTLD Subsequent Procedures (SubPro) Final Report envisioned some levels of substantive work taking place during the Implementation Review Team (IRT) phase of the work, after ICANN Board adoption of the recommendations. In particular, it described the creation of a dedicated IRT charged “with developing implementation elements of the Applicant Support Program” including making substantive decisions on outreach activities and allocation of scarce resources (e.g., when there are more qualified applicants than available funds), among other activities. The GNSO Council committed to providing guidance on select topics where additional substantive work was envisaged by the recommendations andVer comentarios públicos en icann.orgOpens a new window

Declaración del ALAC




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