Proposed Final Report of the New gTLD Auction Proceeds Cross Community Working Group

- Phase 1. وضع مسودة أولى
انتهى: 12 ينا 2020
- Phase 2. مفتوح للتعليق
انتهى: 7 فبر 2020
- Phase 3. اختتام مسودة نهائية
انتهى: 11 فبر 2020
- Phase 4. تصويت ALAC
انتهى: 14 فبر 2020
- Phase 5. التقديم
مقدم: 14 فبر 2020
تم تقديم بيان
الموعد النهائي للتقديم: 14 فبر 2020 23:59 UTC
Purpose: This Public Comment proceeding seeks to obtain input on the proposed Final Report of the new gTLD Auction Proceeds Cross Community Working Group (CCWG). The CCWG is tasked with providing guidance on a framework to disburse the funds generated from auctions of last resort in 2012 application round of the new gTLD Program. Current Status: The CCWG published its Initial Report in October 2018 for Public Comment and has made updates to the report in response to the input received and subsequent deliberations that it deems warrant another Public Comment period before the report is finalized for submission to its chartering organizations. The CCWG is requesting commenters to focus on the changes thatانظر التعليقات العامة على icann.orgOpens a new window

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