Recommendations for Managing IDN Variant Top-Level Domains

- Phase 1. وضع مسودة أولى
انتهى: 4 أغس 2018
- Phase 2. مفتوح للتعليق
انتهى: 11 أغس 2018
- Phase 3. اختتام مسودة نهائية
انتهى: 14 أغس 2018
- Phase 4. تصويت ALAC
انتهى: 17 سبت 2018
- Phase 5. التقديم
مقدم: 17 سبت 2018
تم تقديم بيان
الموعد النهائي للتقديم: 17 سبت 2018 23:59 UTC
Purpose: Recommendations for managing Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) variant labels for top level domains (TLDs) have been developed by ICANN organization. The relevant materials along with the recommendations are being published to seek community feedback for finalizing them. Current Status: The community has identified a need for IDN variant TLDs; however, the ICANN Board resolved on 25 September 2010 that "no variants of gTLDs will be delegated ... until appropriate variant management solutions are developed." Subsequent work by ICANN organization and the community led to the identification of two issues: (i) there is no accepted definition for variant TLDs, and (ii) there is no 'variantانظر التعليقات العامة على icann.org

بيان ALAC

30 يول 2018 | Wiki workspace created |
4 أغس 2018 | First draft posted in the wiki workspace |
4 أغس 2018 | Community started commenting on the first draft |
14 أغس 2018 | Final draft posted in the wiki workspace |
17 سبت 2018 | ALAC ratified the Statement |
17 سبت 2018 | Statement submitted to Public Comment |