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At-Large Teleconferences to Use Captioning Services

People who are deaf or hard of hearing use captions to understand spoken words and sounds. Real-time captions, or Computer Assisted Real-time Translation (CART), are widely used as events take place. This month, At-Large Community will start using this technology to provide greater access to information for members with disability or limited bandwidth. Funded by ICANN through a FY16 Special Budget Request, vendor ‘Caption First Incorporated’ will provide captioning service, using the English language, to 9 At-Large teleconferences in this first pilot phase. Judith Hellerstein, Secretariat of the North America Regional At-Large Organization (NARALO), will lead the implementation of this exciting project that provides captioning coverage to five RALOs and At-Large working groups. 

Topic(s): Engagement

Organization(s): NARALO