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Comments Requested on Draft ALAC Member and Liaison Position Description

As discussed by the ALAC and regional leaders in Sydney, work is progressing on a detailed position description for ALAC members and Liaisons. This initiative of the the ALAC is intended to help ensure active participation of ALAC members, as greater clarity regarding the time and other obligations of members and ALAC Liaisons.

This effort is also intended to help those who are interested in being candidates for these positions understand what is required of them; it also forms the foundation of how to evaluate the performance of those serving in these positions.

Two decisions came out of the Sydney meeting:

  1. A comprehensive Position Description for these positions is needed before a policy on how to enforce it can be drawn up.
  2. ALAC should continue work on this as a committee-of-the-whole (that is, the entire ALAC).

At the request of the Chair, ICANN staff were asked to draft an initial Position Description ("PD"). It was reviewed at the ExCom meeting of 28 July 2009.. Three changes were made:

  1. A change was made to ensure that the PD was aligned with the recommendations of the ALAC Review Report as accepted by the ICANN Board.
  2. A section on recommendation to the Nominating Committee was removed.
  3. Sections were numbered to make it easier to comment on particular parts.

The revised PD can be found at a new window

The PD has been open for ALAC comments for two weeks, and now the wider At-Large community is asked to comment.

Please review this document and add comments at the bottom. This is easily done by clicking the 'Comment' button at the top of the page.