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ALAC Submits Minority Report on Selected Trademark Issues (STI)

The At-Large submitted a Minority Report to the public consultation on the Selected Trademark Issues (STI) Report.

The attached document [PDF, 140K] was originally drafted by Alan Greenberg, Vice Chair of the At Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) and liaison to the council of the Generic Names Supporting Organisation (GNSO) and Olivier Crépin-Leblond on behalf of the At-Large Names Issues Taskforce.

The original document, which contained four minority issues, was published for community review on December 10th 2009. Following comments received on the original Draft, the members of the At-Large Names Issues Taskforce decided to delete one of the four minority issues.

Alan then tasked the Staff to start an ALAC online vote on the first revision (the present document) starting on December 14th, 2009 and ending on December 17th, 2009. The result of said vote being that the ALAC endorsed the Statement with a 11-0 vote. You may review the result of that vote online under: a new window

Alan Greenberg also transmitted the document on behalf of the ALAC to the GNSO council during its teleconference on December 17th, 2009.

This ALAC report was further submitted to the ICANN public consultation on the Special Trademarks Issues Report with a copy going to the ICANN Board of Directors on January 18th, 2010.