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African ICANN Community Publishes Statement on New gTLDs and Volunteer Participation in ICANN

AFRALO and AfrICANN endorsed two Statements from the African ICANN community during their joint meetingOpens a new window in Cartagena on 7 December 2010: The Statement in Support for New gTLD Applicants – Cartagena [PDF, 56 KB] and the Statement on African Participation [PDF, 50 KB] were submitted to the ICANN Board by Tijani Ben Jemaa on behalf of the African ICANN community. They were also endorsed by the ALAC and added to the ALAC Chair's report to the Board of ICANN. In addition to that, the Statement on new gTLDs was also submitted to the public consultationOpens a new window on the Draft Final Guidebook for new gTLD applicants and the Joint SO/AC Working Group on new gTLDs.

The drafting team included several members of the African Regional At-Large Organisation (AFRALO), including Tijani Ben Jemaa, Dave Kissoondoyal and Fatimata Seye Sylla. For additional information, please visit the workspace of the Joint AFRALO-AfrICANN Working GroupOpens a new window.