AFRALO Activities @ ICANN65 Policy Forum, Marrakech
24 - 27 June 2019
AFRALO will leverage ICANN65 to engage with its At-Large Structures (ALSes), as well as the local African end user community, including community engagement events with local university students from Rabat, Morocco.
On Monday, 24 June and Tuesday, 25 June the students will interact with ICANN President and CEO Göran Marby, breakout into small discussion groups with mentors, and attend a briefing on the ICANN Fellowship and NextGen programs.
Later on Monday, AFRALO will host a Community Networking Event featuring a cultural showcase by the Ahwach Ouarzazate, a Berber Singing Troupe. Aziz Hilali, ALAC Delegate to the NomCom from AFRALO and incoming AFRALO Vice-Chair, will preside over the festivities.
The Joint AFRALO-AfrICANN Meeting on the theme of "Evolving the ICANN Multistakeholder Model" will be held on Tuesday, 25 June with the participation of AFRALO ALS representatives across 30 African countries and territories. ICANN Executives, the ICANN Board Chairman and the Board Director selected by the At-Large Community will speak at the event.
Additionally, the AFRALO community will have the opportunity to participate in the full ICANN65 Policy Forum, benefiting from an At-Large Policy Workshop on the topic of WT5 Geo Names, three At-Large Capacity Building Workshops on Policy Development at ICANN, Current Issues in Cybersecurity, and Consumer Safeguards Issues, as well as a session discussing a draft ALAC Hot Policy Topics Document and an At-Large Universal Acceptance (UA) Pilot Kickoff. Seasoned AFRALO members will serve as mentors, helping newcomers understand how to participate in the ICANN Policy Development Process (PDP) and draft ALAC policy advice statements, as well as learn about security trends impacting registrants and the ICANN Empowered Community.
For the full list of AFRALO Activities @ ICANN65 Policy Forum, click here.
Sights and Sounds
Photos of the student sessions
Video Interview with Aziz Hilali (FR)
Video Interview with Mohamed El Bashir and Fatimata Seye-Sylla (EN)
PDF Documents
AFRALO Hot Policy Topics Document
AFRALO Brochure EN | AFRALO Brochure FR | AFRALO Brochure AR