Latest Activity:
57 minutes ago
WHOIS data encompasses the technical, billing, and administrative contact information associated with web addresses around the world. We advice on ICANN’s policies, reviews and studies related to WHOIS, with a keen focus on ensuring the accuracy of WHOIS data and upholding the privacy rights of registrants.
Policy Statements:
Latest Activity:
57 minutes ago
The introduction of IDNs will increase the linguistic diversity on the Internet and enable users to surf the Internet entirely in their native languages. As the most linguistically and geographically diverse stakeholder group at ICANN, we are engaged in the Universal Acceptance Initiative, Generation Panels, and activities that aim to advance the implementation of IDNs and get the next billion of people on the Internet.
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New gTLDs
Latest Activity:
1 hour, 34 mins ago
ICANN’s New gTLDs Program commenced the massive expansion of the Internet. Their release means that a website can be a dot whatever you like, in whatever language you like. Our focus is to help underserved regions take part in this Program and develop their domain name industry. We also work to protect users from domain name abuse associated with new gTLDs.
Policy Statements:
Latest Activity:
57 minutes ago
Some new gTLDs are likely to invoke a level of implied trust from consumers. ICANN put the PICs mechanism in place to hold registries that manage those types of new gTLDs accountable for safeguarding the public interests. Through providing policy advice and discussing, debating with other stakeholder groups, we strive to make the PICs mechanism more easily enforceable to benefit the consumers.
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IANA Functions’ Stewardship Transition
Latest Activity:
57 minutes ago
The IANA functions enable computers to find and understand each other on the Internet. ICANN has been managing the IANA functions under a contract with the US government. In collaboration with other communities, we have been deeply engaged in the process of generating a transition proposal that allows ICANN to continue performing the IANA functions effectively after the contract ends in September 2015. We want to see the continued expansion and innovation of one unified, interoperable global Internet, in the absent of the US government’s oversight.
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