At-Large Review Kick Off
The organizational review of the At-Large Community officially started in May following the appointment of ITEMS InternationalOpens a new window as the independent examiner. In addition to assessing the effectiveness of the improvements resulting from the previous Review conducted in 2008, the purpose of this Review is to (1) acknowledge areas that are working well in the At-Large Community, with a focus on the Regional At-Large Organizations and At-Large Structures, (2) identify areas that need improvement and propose needed changes, and (3) evaluate the organizational effectiveness of the various components of the At-Large Community. To develop a sufficient basis for formulating findings and recommendations, ITEMS will collect both quantitative and qualitative data through various work methods, such as a global online survey and community interviews to be conducted in ICANN56 Helsinki as well as selected regional Internet Governance events. During the kickoff meeting held on 27 May, ITEMS and ICANN Staff discussed with the At-Large Review Working Party the scope of work, roadmap, roles and responsibilities of stakeholders, and methodology of this review. To follow the Review process, visit its wiki workspaceOpens a new window.