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ALAC Chair Publishes Dakar Report

The At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) Chair Olivier Crépin-Leblond presented the ALAC Chair's Report [PDF, 280 KB] from the 42nd ICANN Meeting during the SO/AC Chair Reports session on Friday, 28 October 2011. Olivier's presentation describes the activities of the At-Large community during the ICANN meeting in Dakar, Senegal that took place 23-28 October 2011.

In summary:

  • At-Large held 16 formal meetings in Dakar.
  • AFRALO held 9 meetings as part of the AFRALO Dakar Events.
  • At-Large was represented by a total of 59 members from all five regions.

The ALAC identified the following as key highlights of the 42nd ICANN Meeting:

  • The ALAC established three working groups and an At-Large Improvements Taskforce.
  • Further progress was made in transforming the ALAC from being reactive to forward-looking with a meeting of the Future Challenges Working Group discussing in further details the WG's two themes of maximizing the effectiveness of the ALAC and registration abuse.
  • AFRALO/AfrICANN Preparatory Work on Cybercrime in Africa  which will lead to a Statement of the African ICANN community on Cybercrime in Africa. This Statement will be distributed to African national governments and CERTs as well as published in African media.
  • The 2011 Annual General Meeting brings a change in leadership within the ALAC and its liaisons. The ALAC welcomed the incoming ALAC Officers, Representatives, and Liaisons.