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ALAC E-mail to At-Large Announce List

Are you interested in how new domain names will be chosen? Are you concerned about privacy in the WHOIS database? Do you want to know about internationalized domain names?

A new mechanism for individual Internet users participation in ICANN (the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) is being launched for people who want to be involved in these and other issues that effect individuals use of the Internets domain name system. See <> for information and ways to be involved.

ICANNs new Interim At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) is helping to form local/regional groups to keep you informed about, and involved in, ICANN issues and activities that can effect you and the individual Internet user (At-Large) community. The ALAC also is helping to involve and represent At-Large interests in ICANN in ways that make a difference to the domain name systems individual end-users.

Here's how you can become involved right now:

  • READ -- Check the ALAC homepage frequently to keep up-to-date on DNS issues that may affect you -- <>
  • EMAIL -- Tell us (and the At-Large community) what you think about these issues in our forum -- <>
  • TRANSLATE -- Volunteer to translate important information and share it with your local user community
  • ORGANIZE -- We are finalizing a process that will enable qualified groups throughout the world to be designated At-Large Structures and engage individual users in ICANN at the local/issue level. You can encourage a group you are involved in to explore becoming an At-Large Structure, or start one yourself. Contact the ALAC for more information <>

Here's what has been happening recently. The ALAC:

  • Appointed five delegates to ICANNs Nominating Committee, which will appoint most of ICANNs new Board and fill other leadership positions, and helped recruit candidates;
  • Analyzed proposed policies and their potential effect on the At-Large community, and provided mechanisms and processes for At-Large input and discussions a website, forum, and announce list have been created, and ALAC liaisons are active on several ICANN policy-making groups;
  • Provided advice on ICANN issues, proposals, and activities that are relevant to individual Internet users; the ALAC is soliciting input and has provided guidance on the WHOIS database, new generic top level domains (gTLDs), internationalized domain names, and WIPO (intellectual property) recommendations (to name a few issues); and
  • Has begun outreach efforts to At-Large communities in various regions, and proposed criteria, processes, and guidelines for creating an At-Large infrastructure (local At-Large Structures and Regional At-Large Organizations).

We look forward to working with you, and hearing from you. If you have questions, suggestions, or want to contact us, please send us email at <>

The Interim At-Large Advisory Committee

(If you are interested in receiving ALAC Announce e-mails, please go to <> and enter your e-mail in the sign-up form in the menu. ALAC will only use the e-mail addresses submitted for the purpose of sending ALAC Announce messages.)