Help Us Shape The Internet's Future


In this issue:

  • NEW TLDs - The public comment period for new sponsored top-level domain (sTLD) applications has been extended until 14 May. ICANN has received 10 applications for sTLDs - .asia, .cat, .jobs, .mail, .mobi, .post, .tel, .tel, .travel, and .xxx. Share your comments on particular applications, or the process governing the introduction of new sTLDs, at <>Opens a new window.
  • NOMINATING COMMITTEE - The At-Large Advisory Committee is seeking recommendations/volunteers for delegates to ICANN's Nominating Committee (NomCom), which selects individuals to serve on ICANN's Board and in other leadership positions. At-Large delegates will fill five seats on the NomCom. NomCom information is posted at <>Opens a new window. For more information on At-Large delegate positions, send an email to <> Opens a new window.
  • AT-LARGE STRUCTURES - Two more groups have been certified as "At-Large Structures" to help advance individual user community's informed, structured participation in ICANN: Catalan Chapter of the Internet Society, based in Spain; and Asociaci�n Costarricense de Derecho Inform�tico, based in Costa Rica. Five more At-Large Structure applications are pending as of this writing. Join a group or form a new one. Additional information is posted at <>Opens a new window.
  • ICANN KUALA LUMPUR MEETING -- ICANN's meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 19-23 July 2004 will feature multiple At-Large meetings, policy discussions and workshops on such issues as implementation of internationalized domain names, and the World Summit on the Information Society, to name a few. All are welcome. General meeting information is available at . Check in the near future for information on At-Large-related events.

  • NEW TLDs - The public comment period for new sponsored top-level domain (sTLD) applications has been extended until 14 May. ICANN has received 10 applications for sTLDs - .asia, .cat, .jobs, .mail, .mobi, .post, .tel, .tel, .travel, and .xxx. Share your comments on particular applications, or the process governing the introduction of new sTLDs, at <;Opens a new window .

    ICANN continues to seek comments on the new sTLD applications, which are posted at <>Opens a new window. These applications were submitted in response to a "request for proposals" ICANN issued last December. An sTLD is a specialized TLD that has a sponsor representing the narrower community that is most affected by the TLD, and the sponsor carries out delegated policy-formulation responsibilities over many matters concerning the TLD. Last October, the ALAC provided input on the proposed process for introducing new sTLDs, calling for ICANN to "regularize the process of examination and approval of new TLD proposals" and suggesting principles for the introduction of new TLDs. The ALAC's statement is posted at <>Opens a new window.

    The new sTLD applications will be reviewed by an independent evaluation panel beginning in May 2004. All applicants that are found to satisfy the posted criteria will be eligible to enter into technical and commercial negotiations with ICANN for agreements for the allocation and sponsorship of the requested TLDs.

  • NOMINATING COMMITTEE - The At-Large Advisory Committee is seeking recommendations/volunteers for delegates to ICANN's Nominating Committee (NomCom), which selects individuals to serve on ICANN's Board and in other leadership positions. At-Large delegates will fill five seats on the NomCom. NomCom information is posted at <>Opens a new window. For more information on At-Large delegate positions, send an email to <>Opens a new window.

    The Nominating Committee (NomCom) is responsible for selecting individuals to serve in key leadership positions within the ICANN structure, and this year they will be filling the following positions: 3 seats on ICANN's Board of Directors, with terms through 2007; 1 seat on the GNSO Council, with a term through 2006; 2 seats on the ALAC (for Europe and North America regions), with terms through 2006; and 3 seats on the ccNSO Council, with terms ending in 2005, 2006, and 2007. With significantly more seats on the NomCom than any other constituency, At-Large will have five delegates, one from each geographic region (Africa, Asia/Australia/Pacific, Europe, Latin America/Caribbean Islands, and North America). The ALAC has asked the At-Large Structures in each region (and groups that have applied to be ALSs) to recommend an individual to serve on the NomCom from their region. For more information on At-Large delegate positions, contact the ALAC.

  • AT-LARGE STRUCTURES - Two more groups have been certified as "At-Large Structures" to help advance individual user community's informed, structured participation in ICANN: Catalan Chapter of the Internet Society, based in Spain; and Asociaci�n Costarricense de Derecho Inform�tico, based in Costa Rica. Five more At-Large Structure applications are pending as of this writing. Join a group or form a new one. Additional information is posted at <>.

    Twelve organizations have been certified as At-Large Structures (ALSs) to help individual Internet user communities throughout the world participate in ICANN activities and decision-making that effects them:

    • Societ� Internet (Europe)
    • Arab Knowledge Management Society (Asia/Aust./Pac.)
    • Alfa-Redi (Latin America/Caribbean Islands)
    • FITUG (Europe)
    • Internet Society Luxembourg A.S.B.L. (Europe)
    • Internet Society Bulgaria (Europe)
    • Moroccan Internet Society (Africa)
    • Anais.AC (Africa)
    • Sudan Internet Society (Africa)
    • Internet Society - Finland (Europe)
    • Catalan Chapter of the Internet Society - (Europe)
    • Asociaci�n Costarricense de Derecho Inform�tico (Costa Rica) (Latin America/Caribbean Islands)


    Five more applications are pending for At-Large Structure certification:

    • Internet Society Vasudhay Kutumbhkum (ISVK) (Asia/Aust/Pac)
    • ISOC Taiwan Chapter (Asia/Aust/Pac)
    • At Large @ China (Asia/Aust/Pac)
    • National Information Infrastructure Enterprise Promotion Association (Asia/Aust/Pac)
    • Internet Society Congo (DRC) (Africa)


    These organizations represent a variety of individual user, and are wholly independent from ICANN. Certification simply recognizes that these groups meet ICANN's criteria for involving individual Internet users at the local or issue level in ICANN activities, and for promoting individuals' understanding of, and participation in, ICANN.

    The Interim At-Large Advisory Committee
    <>Opens a new window