Asia/Australia/Pacific Region Gains Four At-Large Structures
Four organizations in the Asia/Australia/Pacific region have been certified as
StructuresOpens a new window:
These organizations represent a variety of individual users, and are wholly independent from ICANN. Certification recognizes that these groups meet ICANN's criteria for involving individual Internet users at the local or issue level in ICANN activities, and for promoting individuals' understanding of, and participation in, ICANN. Types of groups that are (or have expressed interest in being designated) At-Large Structures include professional societies (e.g. engineers, attorneys, etc.), academic organizations, community networking groups, consumer advocacy groups, Internet Society chapters, computer user organizations, and Internet civil society groups.
These groups will work with other At-Large Structures and the At-Large Advisory CommitteeOpens a new window (ALAC), which advises the ICANN Board and policy groups, to help ensure that the voice of end users in all geographic regions will be heard, and that their representation can be effectively taken into account, as ICANN makes decisions that affect people’s use of the Internet.
End-user groups have identified numerous matters under consideration by ICANN on which individual users’ voices need to be heard. These include: privacy protections for detailed personal domain registration information (called the WHOIS database), which is publicly posted; guidance for the implementation of internationalized domain names (use of non-ASCII characters to enable “local language” domain names); processes for settling trademark and domain name disputes; and how additional new top-level domains (i.e. .info, .name, .museum, etc.) are introduced. ICANN At-Large is actively working on these and other issues on behalf of the Internet’s individual end-users.
To date, eleven organizations in the other four geographic regions also have been certified as At-Large Structures:
At ICANN's meeting in Kuala LumpurOpens a new window, Malaysia, 19-23 July 2004, the At-Large Advisory Committee will sponsor an At-Large meeting for users in the Asia/Australia/Pacific region, as well as policy discussions and workshops on such issues as implementation of internationalized domain names, and the World Summit on the Information Society. These events are open to the public. Check www.alac.icann.orgOpens a new window for more information on At-Large-sponsored events. Questions or comments on At-Large should be emailed to committee@alac.icann.orgOpens a new window.
- Internet Society Vasudhay KutumbhkumOpens a new window (based in in India)
- ISOC Taiwan ChapterOpens a new window (based in Taiwan)
- At Large@ChinaOpens a new window (based in P.R. China)
- National Information Infrastructure Enterprise Promotion AssociatioOpens a new windown (based in Taiwan)
These organizations represent a variety of individual users, and are wholly independent from ICANN. Certification recognizes that these groups meet ICANN's criteria for involving individual Internet users at the local or issue level in ICANN activities, and for promoting individuals' understanding of, and participation in, ICANN. Types of groups that are (or have expressed interest in being designated) At-Large Structures include professional societies (e.g. engineers, attorneys, etc.), academic organizations, community networking groups, consumer advocacy groups, Internet Society chapters, computer user organizations, and Internet civil society groups.
These groups will work with other At-Large Structures and the At-Large Advisory CommitteeOpens a new window (ALAC), which advises the ICANN Board and policy groups, to help ensure that the voice of end users in all geographic regions will be heard, and that their representation can be effectively taken into account, as ICANN makes decisions that affect people’s use of the Internet.
End-user groups have identified numerous matters under consideration by ICANN on which individual users’ voices need to be heard. These include: privacy protections for detailed personal domain registration information (called the WHOIS database), which is publicly posted; guidance for the implementation of internationalized domain names (use of non-ASCII characters to enable “local language” domain names); processes for settling trademark and domain name disputes; and how additional new top-level domains (i.e. .info, .name, .museum, etc.) are introduced. ICANN At-Large is actively working on these and other issues on behalf of the Internet’s individual end-users.
To date, eleven organizations in the other four geographic regions also have been certified as At-Large Structures:
- Societ� Internet (based in Italy; Europe region)
- Alfa-Redi (based in Peru; Latin America/Caribbean Islands region)
- FITUG (based based in Germany; Europe region)
- Internet Society Luxembourg A.S.B.L. (based in Luxembourg; Europe region)
- Internet Society Bulgaria (based in Bulgaria; Europe region)
- Moroccan Internet Society (based in Morocco; Africa region)
- Anais.AC (based in Cameroon; Africa region)
- Internet Society - Finland (based in Finland; Europe region) Sudan Internet Society (based in Sudan; Africa region)
- Catalan Chapter of the Internet Society - (based in Spain; Europe region)
- Asociaci�n Costarricense de Derecho Inform�tico (based in Costa Rica; LatinAmerica/Caribbean Islands region)
At ICANN's meeting in Kuala LumpurOpens a new window, Malaysia, 19-23 July 2004, the At-Large Advisory Committee will sponsor an At-Large meeting for users in the Asia/Australia/Pacific region, as well as policy discussions and workshops on such issues as implementation of internationalized domain names, and the World Summit on the Information Society. These events are open to the public. Check www.alac.icann.orgOpens a new window for more information on At-Large-sponsored events. Questions or comments on At-Large should be emailed to committee@alac.icann.orgOpens a new window.