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ALAC Endorses Statement on the Final Report on Three-Character Requirement and Variant Management

The At-Large staff transmitted the ALAC Statement on the Final Report on Three-Character Requirement and Variant Management [PDF, 136K] to the public consultation on the Report on behalf of the At-Large Advisory Committee today.

The ALAC Statement on the Final Report on Three-Character Requirement and Variant Management was originally drafted by James Seng, Member of the At-Large Advisory Committee and Chair of the At-Large working group on IDN Policy. The original textOpens a new window was made available for At-Large community feedback on December 19 th 2009.

The present version of this document (revision 1) was prepared by James Seng on January 10 th, 2010 and incorporates comments received from the At-Large community on the original version. You may click hereOpens a new window to compare the two versions.

The Chair of the ALAC asked the Staff to start a five-day ALAC vote on the document on January 11 th, 2010 and to send the staff person responsible for the public consultation on the corresponding document a note to inform him that the document was undergoing the ALAC ratification process.

The online vote on this Statement ended on January 16th. The result of said vote being that the ALAC endorsed the Statement with a 11-0 vote. You may review the result of that vote online under: a new window

A copy of this Statement was sent to the ICANN Board of ICANN.