Joint ALAC-NCSG Statement on Transparency of Staff Documents Submitted
The "Joint ALAC-NCSG Statement on Transparency of Staff Documents" [PDF, 122 KB] was submitted to the ICANN Board on behalf of the ALAC and the NCSG today.
The document was drafted by Adam Peake, member of the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) and Avri Doria, member of the Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group (NCSG) of the Generic Names Supporting Organisation (GNSO). The initial draft was prepared by Avri and Robin Gross from the NCSG, and Adam and Evan Leibovitch from the At-Large community. Avri and Adam presented the draft Statement to ALAC at the ICANN conference in Nairobi where it was further discussed among the members of the ALAC and the NCSG.
The first revision of the statement (the attached document) incorporates comments received on the initial draft.
The Chair of the NCSG Executive Committee has confirmed that this statement was endorsed on the NCSG/NCUC Discussion list on 11 March 2010 by the membership of the NCSG/NCUC.
During the "ALAC teleconference on April 27th 2010Opens a new window," the ALAC endorsed the ALAC-NCSG Statement unanimously.