Representatives from the At-Large community held 30 meetings during the 54th ICANN Public Meeting that took place in Dublin, Ireland 18th - 22th October 2015. Among the many policy and process-related issues discussed during their meetings, there are several the ALAC would like to highlight as being of particular note.
ALAC Activities
- The ALAC and At-Large community held 30 meetings which resulted in many Action Items.
- The ALAC held a new Strategy Session on Saturday, 17 October as well as a very successful first ALAC Development Session on Friday, 23 October.
- The ALAC passed a motion that the ALAC should withdraw support for the Single Membership model previously proposed by the CCWG-Accountability.
- The ALAC unanimously passed the ALAC Statement on the Use of Country and Territory Names as Top-Level Domains.
- The ALAC unanimously passed the ALAC Statement on the New gTLD Auction Proceeds Discussion Paper for communication to the relevant parties.
- The ALAC and At-Large New Meeting Strategy Working Party made significant progress toward the agreement on the At-Large Schedule for Meetings A, B and C. Leaders of the Working Party met with Meetings Staff to discuss the schedule.
Continuing and Incoming ALAC Members
As ICANN 54 was the Annual General Meeting, there were many membership changes to the ALAC.
Eight ALAC members continued while 7 new members joined the ALAC
The incoming ALAC Members are:
- Seun Ojedeji (AFRALO)
- Wafa Dahmani Zaafouri (NomCom Selectee to the ALAC from Africa)
- Maureen Hilyard (APRALO)
- Dr. Kaili Kan (NomCom Selectee to the ALAC from the Asia/Australia/Pacific Region)
- Sebastien Bachollet (EURALO)
- Harold Arcos (LACRALO)
- Leon Sanchez (NomCom Selectee to the ALAC from the Latin American and Caribbean Region)
- Garth Bruen (NARALO)
- Timothy Denton (NomCom Selectee to the ALAC representing North America)
- Alan Greenberg (NARALO - Taking over 1 year elected term)
For the full list of incoming and outgoing ALAC Members, please see:
A new ALAC Leadership Team (ALT) was announced:
- Alan Greenberg – ALAC Chair (NARALO)
- Leon Sanchez – ALAC Vice-Chair (LACRALO)
- Tijani Ben Jemaa – ALAC Vice-Chair (AFRALO)
- Holly Raiche (APRALO)
- Sandra Hoferichter (EURALO)