ALAC Statements on the Draft IRT Report, ICANN's Budget Framework 2010 and ICANN's Future Structure and Governance Finalised
The ALAC recently voted on and adopted three Policy Statements, which have been transmitted to the relevant public consultation fora on 13th May 2009 by the Chair of the ALAC, Cheryl Langdon-Orr.
ALAC Statement on the IRT Draft ReportOpens a new window
The Implementation Recommendation Team (IRT) of the Intellectual Property Constituency (IPC) of the GNSO has provided a Draft Report outlining possible solutions to the trademark issues raised within the context of the New gTLD Program.
The ALAC Statement on the Draft Report was originally drafted by ALAC Member Patrick Vande Walle, as agreed during the April 26th 2009 meeting of the At-Large Advisory Committee and was then published for review by the ALAC and the Regional Secretariats on 2nd May 2009.
NARALO Chair and New gTLD working group Chair Evan Leibovitch then incorporated received comments and circulated the revised draft Statement on the ALAC internal list on 6th May. The Chair of ALAC requested the Staff to begin a vote on the draft Statement for a five day period, which began on 7th May 2009 and closed on 12th May 2009.
The results were announced on 13th May by the Staff, said result being that the Statement was endorsed by a vote of 10-0-1.
ALAC Response to the Financial Year 2010 Budget and Operating Plan FrameworkOpens a new window
The ALAC Response was originally drafted by ALAC Member Gareth Shearman, as agreed during the April 28th 2009 meeting of the At-Large Advisory Committee and was then published for review by the ALAC on 5th May 2009. It's a compilation of previous Statements containing elements that refer to the FY 10 Budget and summarizes their key budget implications.
The Chair of ALAC requested the Staff to begin a vote on the draft Statement for a five day period, which began on 7th May 2009 and closed on 12th May 2009.
The results were announced on 13th May by the Staff, said result being that the Statement was endorsed by a vote of 11-0-0.
At-Large Statement on the Future Structure & Governance of ICANNOpens a new window
This statement is the result of a process begun when representatives of eighty-eight (88) At-Large Structures ("ALSes") from five Regional At-Large Organizations ("RALOs") representing ICANN's global At-Large community met in the At-Large Summit (ATLAS) as a part of the 34th International ICANN meeting in Mexico City.
Amongst the various activities of the Summit were five working groups on issues of concern to the At-Large community. One of the five was devoted to the Future Structure and Governance of ICANN.
The final statements of all five working groups was compiled into the Declaration of the At-Large SummitOpens a new window, presented to the Board of ICANN at the Public Board Meeting in Mexico City.
In order to ensure that the entire At-Large community had the opportunity to review the five statements, and for their perspectives to be taken into account, the ALAC resolved upon a process of consultation and amendment for the statements by resolutionOpens a new window at its 24th March 2009 teleconference. As a result, the Summit Working Group statement was opened for public commentsOpens a new window by the At-Large community on 1st April, closing on 25th April. The Chair of the ALAC then requested the Staff to open a vote on the document, said vote opening on 3rd May and closing on 10th May.
The results were announcedOpens a new window on 11th May by the Staff, said result being that the Statement was endorsed by a vote of 15-0-0.