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ALAC Ratifies Advisory on the Second Interim Report of the Board Review Working Group

The ALAC ratified the attached ALAC Advisory on the Second Interim Report of the Board Review Working Group on August 6th.

The document [PDF, 107K] was drafted by the Staff of ICANN, with the content outlined by the Chair of the ALAC and as taken from a subsequent conversation with Vice?Chair Vanda Scartezini (Brazil). The statement relates to the Public Consultation to be found at: .

The Chair of the ALAC then requested the Staff to open a vote on the document opening on 31st July and closing on 6th August.

The result of the vote was announced on 7th August by the Staff, said result being that the Statement was endorsed by a vote of 13?0?0. The result may be verified under the following URL:

The document has been transmitted to the Secretary of the ICANN Board of Directors, on 11th August, 2009.