Audio: EnglishOpens a new window
Transcription: EnglishOpens a new window
Suggested Agenda Items
1. Introduction and Purpose of Call - 5 mins (Cheryl)
This call seeks to further the project planning and implementation processes for the undertaking of the recommendations made in the recent ALAC Review WG Final ReportOpens a new windowand the Board Resolution on the ALAC Review WG Final ReportOpens a new window. Thus, the purpose of this community call is for At-Large and the ALAC to take the next steps regarding the priorities identified during the Seoul meeting (see: Draft At-Large Review Implementation Outline v2.1 - EN.xlsOpens a new window ) including allocation of tasks, specific assignments, and time-lines. This process should use a Working Group model that is both responsible for their particular tasks as well as provide ongoing support and input into the wider implementaion project management to be led by a project manager.
2. Review of At-Large Review Improvements Outline - 15 mins (Cheryl)
See Google SpreadsheetOpens a new window of the At-Large Review Improvements Outline
3. Allocation of Priortized tasks
4. Organization of Work
5. Next Steps