In its meeting of 27th August 2009, the ICANN Board of Directors unanimously resolved as follows:
'IT IS RESOLVED THAT the recommendation of the BRWG to add one voting director appointed from the At-Large Community to the ICANN Board of Directors, and removing the present ALAC Liaison to the Board, is approved in principle for implementation. Staff is directed to identify all steps required to achieve the implementation of this principle, after issuing of the BRWG Final Report.'
The proposal that one or more voting Director seats on the ICANN Board should be selected by the At-Large community is a recommendation of the recently-completed At-Large Independent Review process. The other recommendations in the Final Report of the Board's At-Large Review Working Group were approved by the Board during their meeting at the Sydney ICANN meeting in June.
As referenced in the final part of the resolution, the next step in the implementation of the resolution will be the presentation at the Seoul meeting of the full report of the BRWG (Board Review Working Group), as this element of change of the Board is a part of the broader Board review process.
In the meantime, the At-Large community's ALAC has resolved upon drawing up a process to submit to the Structural Improvements Committee of the Board at the Seoul ICANN Meeting. This section is for development of ideas and a draft process to that end.
Audio: EnglishOpens a new window
Transcription: EnglishOpens a new window
Reference Material:
NomCom Director Requirements 2009Opens a new window
1. Introduction: Welcome, Purpose and Proces of Call (Cheryl Langdon Orr) - 5 min
a. Welcome
b. Purpose of Call
The ALAC requests final confirmation and feedback on Community-wide and Regional discussions on the At-Large Director selection process (pre and post Seoul meeting). Specifically, we will review recent thinking within the regions with respect to the selection process, and decide next steps in the development of the selection process.
The ALAC also continues to seek additional At-Large Community feedback on the process to appoint a voting ICANN Board Director in order to submit a FINAL DRAFT process to the Structural Improvements Committee (SIC) of the Board within the next few weeks. As agreed in the Seoul Meeting, this call will include a discussion of possible voting processes by a guest speaker from BigPulse on-line voting services.
2. Discussion of Voting Systems wtih Ralph McKay, BigPulse Online Voting Services - 20 min
3. Review and Discussion of Current Draft Procedure for Appointment of a Director by At-Large - 15 min - click hereOpens a new window for current working proposal
Input and comment will be called for using the Adobe Connect room. The order will be rotated to ensure all regional and individual input is collected and offered for discussion (including within the Adobe Connect chat space) to allow for all participants to have ample and equitable opportunity to comment and contribute. Time limits will be placed on speakers reflecting the number of speakers wishing to address matters at any given time.
4. Consideration and Discussion of Draft Candidate CriteriaOpens a new window - 15 - 20 mins
Speaker order and time limits will apply (see notes at Agenda Item 3 above)
5. Discussion of any other Outstanding Items/Matters Raised - 5- 10 mins
Speaker order and time limits will apply (see notes at Agenda Item 3 above)
6. Next Steps - 5 - 10 mins