Organisers: Rudi Vansnick, Garh Bruen (KnuJon)
Format: Short introduction; Role of Registries and Registrars; Abuse of domains – samples; Presentation – Project Knujon; Panel discussion including Q&A with audience.
Simultaneous interpretation into EN, ES and FR will be provided
Description: We discovered rules and regulations are not always followed by all Registries and Registrars. A brief description of the role of Registry and Registrar based on the general rules of ICANN will set the scene for the presentation of some typical cases we discovered during the past 18 months. Samples of cases will be provided, and Project Knujon will illustrate the abuse of domains in spam and phishing processes. Presenters will include Garth Bruen (Knujon), and Rudi Vansnick (ISOC Belgium).
Background: What is the "At-Large Summit
The Mexico City meeting is a landmark for ICANN's At-Large community ("At-Large" is the name used for the individual Internet user community participating in ICANN).
The whole At-Large community will be meeting together face-to-face in the 'At-Large Summit'. Approximately 90 representatives of At-Large organisations (called "At-Large Structures") are already confirmed. You will be able to spot them easily, as each will have a ribbon indicating their status as a Summit delegate attached to their ICANN meeting badges.
The Summit is being held 28 February through 5 March 2009 at the Mexico City Sheraton and also at the nearby Melia Mexico Reforma Hotel. All ICANN meeting attendees are invited and encouraged to attend the sessions, all of which are open to everyone.
As proposed by the At-Large community, the Summit has the following objectives:
- Develop the community's capacity for engagement in ICANN by increasing its knowledge and understanding of the key issues confronting ICANN and ICANN's roles and responsibilities;
- Provide an opportunity for the community to finalise and present its advice on some of the most important issues facing the ICANN community today; and last but not least,
- Highlight the successes of the community in recent years and build upon them to ensure that the interests of the world's more than 1 billion individual Internet users are well represented in the development of Internet name and number policy.
Instructions on how to participate remotely may be found at this URL: a new window
Chatroom: a new window
Summit Microsite: The At-Large Summit microsite has complete information at: a new window.