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Commitments of ALAC Members

11 December 2008

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Member Name Policy Commitments Admin Commitments
Aguirre, Carlos NCUC (L), DT  
Aizu, Izumi IP (AIC), DT  
Bachollet, Sebastien IP (VC), Summit
Brendler, Beau WHOIS, RRR (AIC), GTLDs, DT  
Cretu, Veronica IDN, GTLDs AOD, Summit
Diakite, Hawa   (R), Summit
El Bashir, Mohammed IDN  
Greenberg, Alan GNSO (L), DT (AIC)  
Langdon-Orr, Cheryl IDNC (C), Budget, Summit
Muehlberg, Annette   Budget, Summit
Nguyen, Thu Hue IDN, GTLDs (AIC)  
Salgueiro, Jose Ovidio WHOIS (L)  
Scartezini, Vanda   (VC), Budget, Summit
Seye Sylla, Fatimata IDN (AIC), WHOIS  
Vande Walle, Patrick SSAC (L), DNS Security  



(L) - Liaison
(AIC) - ALAC Issue Coordinator
(C) - Chair of the ALAC
(VC) - Vice-Chair of the ALAC
(R) - Rapporteur of the ALAC

DT - Domain Tasting
AOD - ALAC Organisational Development

vanda - policy issues - I am still involved with gnso-review wg ( board governance commitee)that is almost finished. I would like to be involved with ALAC review ( not as member of the WG as I have comment before, since I believe this would bring some kind of conflict of interest) but wathcing the WG progress adding value with ALAC contribution and points of view.

contributed by Guest User on Dec 11 8:41am

It looks like out-dated as I am no longer on the ALAC.
Please someone revise this.


contributed by Izumi Aizu on Jun 20 11:19pm